Fri 01.10
![Click image for full size poster Full size poster](/converter?widthMax=174&heightMax=170&img=/upload/wysiwyg/rover website.jpg)
One Irish Rover - A Celebration of VAN MORRISON
Genre: Blues / Rock / Tribute
Doors: 7pm
Showtime: 8pm
This event has already occurred. Tickets are unavailable.
Take a ride with Pat through Van’s collection of Blues, Soul and Rock ballads all blended in a Celtic Stew of uplifting beats, heart-felt searching for understanding, soul-touching melodies, and jazzy compilations that deliver you back to a rustic Irish Pub somewhere in the countryside of Ireland where the beer, Irish whiskey and music flow warmly together until the “wee hours of the mornin”.
You must be 18 or over to enter unless accompanied by your parent. Valid ID required.
Save some money! There's only a $1 fee when you buy your ticket in person at the box office.